October is finally here!!! Once October hits you know time just starts to fly like crazy and before you know it, it’s a new year.
So, I’m not into Pumpkin Spice Lattes but I’m into pumpkins. I love decorating my home with scary shit and watching scary movies while eating extra buttery popcorn with my boyfriend.
So here are top 5 things you should do this month. I hope you enjoy and tag me in your post if you do any of them 🙂
- Visit a Local Pumpkin Farm- Yes, I know it’s “typical” but why not? With hayrides, corn mazes, food markets, and more, they’re basically a guaranteed fun day with the possibility of taking a bunch of cute pictures. I’m going to Uesugi Farms this Sunday and I’m super excited to share my experience there. Check out their page here
- Visit Great America’s Haunt Night- This is pretty cool, I went a few years ago and it was pretty scary. I’m going again this year so stay tuned for that or see you there!! Find tickets here
- Go to the Winchester Mystery House- I mean obviously, it will be pretty creepy and fun so that’s a must. Buy tickets here
- Decorate- OMG I get so amazed by how many people don’t decorate anymore. It’s fun and really sets the mood for fall. Don’t be boring, just do it. My favorite store to shop at for this is Home Goods
- Roaring Camp- I wrote a blog post about this place read that here. I highly recommend going.
There, now you can’t say you missed out because you didn’t know of anything fun to do, Just get out there and enjoy yourself. Have fun and maybe I’ll see you around at any of the above this month.
As always thank you for reading, I appreciate you and your time,
Denim Jacket: Forever 21
Romper: Forever 21

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