Millennials Paying More Rent Than Any Other Generation
My fellow millennial friends and family, I know it’s tough out there, especially if you’re trying to live in the Bay Area or another expensive
Like a wave, it comes and goes. I’ve felt “depressed” and aparently a lot of people.It’s kind of a common theme but why?
Why are more people depressed now more than ever? Well, I believe it’s due to an insane amount of time people spend on social media.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe social media is amazing but also if used improperly could destroy someone’s self esteem. I’ve been a victim to this, but I have also learned to not let it get to me and just love myself for who I am and what I look like. People don’t like it? Fuck them.
What to do if you’re feeling depressed?
SHOES: Jeffrey Campbell
I hate to say this because it’s so cliche but it’s true, LIFE IS SHORT!!! We only live if you’re lucky to 85 ish. Maybe not.
So why worry about the small shit, even big events that cause you pain, just pick yourself up piece by piece. I’ve learned that feeling sorry for yourself does nothing! I try to laugh daily by bullshitting with my boyfriend/friends, listening to podcast, watching funny tv shows, and movies.
Depression is so weird, I mean no one can really understand why one does feel a certain way for no reason, sometimes I think it’s my birth control that gets me in these bad moods I can’t explain. But I always find a way to feel better and you can too.
Anyway, if you ever need anyone to talk to, feel free to reach out.
As always thank you for reading, have a great day
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My fellow millennial friends and family, I know it’s tough out there, especially if you’re trying to live in the Bay Area or another expensive
It was 1996, and Starbucks had been open 25 years with only 1,015 stores, and they had just started selling bottled Frappuccino® coffee. I was
Ok, if you’re an ice cream lover you must go. To be honest, just go even if you don’t love ice cream, this place is